Tay Estuary Water Sports Hub
The River Tay is packed with a range of water sports and activities which has led to the creation of the Tay Estuary Water Sports Hub. The Hub is a collective organisation which is open to all water sports bodies that use the Tay Estuary to connect, share ideas and develop opportunities on the river. The area covered by the Hub is the Tay from Balmerino in the west to Buddon Ness and the Lady Buoys that mark the entrance to the buoyed channel at the entrance to the estuary.
The Hub includes organisations which support canoeing and kayaking, rowing, paddle-boarding, personal watercraft (jet ski’s), power boating and water-skiing, sailing, swimming, wind-surfing and kite-surfing. We encourage individuals of all ages to come and try water sports in safe and controlled environment.
The Hub has advisory links with Coastguard, Dundee Harbour (Forth Ports), the RNLI, Leisure and Culture Dundee and Dundee City Council. Community Sports Hubs are part of Sportscotland’s Sport For Life strategy, with the aim of making sport accessible to all and having a society where everyone benefits from sport.
Affiliated Clubs/Organisations

The River Tay Estuary – Important Considerations

The area is strongly tidal. Every day there will be a change in water level - over 5 metres between high and low water at spring tides.
Tides run at up to five knots. They are strongest when the river is in spate, after heavy rain, and when the tide is ebbing. Sand banks cover and uncover and there are underwater features which kick up steep waves in certain conditions.
The wind will be strongly influenced by sea breezes and the funnelling effect of the estuary.
The estuary contains Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Users should understand and show respect to the environment and wildlife.
This is a working estuary that is used by commercial traffic and this part of the estuary is covered by by-laws which have the force of law. Commercial shipping may be restricted by size and draught and limited in their ability to manoeuvre. All other water users must keep clear and never impede commercial traffic. For further information please visit www.forthports.co.uk/marine/.
There are speed limits in force at places in the estuary. All vessels should operate at a safe speed taking in to account the wash created and other water users nearby.
There is an area off Broughty Ferry beach that for the safety of swimmers is off limits to most powered craft. Swimmers are also often present in the Broughty Ferry Harbour and other places
Water Sport Participants
Be safe - ensure your own safety, and do not endanger other people or wildlife
Be responsible - follow the byelaws, signage, and the Broughty Ferry Code of Practice for Water Users
Be Considerate - be courteous to other water users, wildlife, and the local community
The key responsibility on every river user is to act safely both for themselves and for others. We encourage those using the estuary to look out for each other.
Everyone should follow the safety code for the activity in which they participate, have an understanding of tides and the winds, and communicate their plan of activity with someone ashore.
Remember in an emergency, please call 999 and ask for the Coastguard or the Police.
If you see anti-social behaviour which breaches the code of practice for water users or local authority guidance you should not engage, but note it and car registrations, record it by film if appropriate, and report it to Police Scotland via 101. Ask that it be brought to the attention of the Broughty Ferry Community Team. Alternatively e-mail taysidetheferrycpt@scotland.police.uk