
 Contact Details

Lynn Allardice
Active Communities Officer
 Tel: 01382 438862

Diversionary Programme

The Active Communities diversionary programme aims to provide an intervention to assist local communities in dealing with anti social behaviour. Sport has been shown to be an effective tool used to inspire and engage young people to provide them with an alternative focus away from risk taking behaviour.

It also promotes positive physical and mental wellbeing. These programmes have proved to be a great success in Dundee; the “drop in” element allows young people the opportunity to attend the informal and relaxed sessions as often as they like with no cost involved.

Current Diversionary Classes


  • Tuesday: 7.30pm – 9.00pm, Craigowl Primary School
  • Wednesday: 6.00pm – 9.00pm, Ardler Complex


  • Thursday 6.00pm – 7.00pm, Finmill Centre

For more information, please contact us using the Contact Details above.

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