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Just the Ticket! - Assemblage for Watercolour Painting with Liz Dulley
Just the Ticket! - Assemblage for Watercolour Painting with Liz Dulley Image
Utilising collected remnants Liz assembles themed artwork to create intriguing watercolour paintings.

This exciting two day workshop is the ideal opportunity to look out those collections of scraps, tickets, fabric and small souvenirs you’ve been holding on to, and use them!

Gathering remnants from your chosen theme, Liz will guide you to master a pleasing arrangement and create a variety of fascinating small-scale artworks.
Selecting your favourite artwork you'll go on to have fun, explore exciting mark making techniques with watercolour and create a painting with unique character.

Liz’s enthusiastic/explorative approach brings life to her work and teaching. Drawing on 15 years experience classes are tailored to individual's abilities. Liz will guide and encourage creativity throughout the day using examples and short demonstrations, at intervals.

Working on small scale tags you will gain an understanding of colour, composition and watercolour, create several three-dimensional artworks and one or more small paintings, on watercolour paper. (Some experience with watercolour required).

* A variety of interesting scraps/remnants with a THEME, a holiday perhaps.
You may include tickets, text, coloured paper, souvenirs, coins or something else!
* Your watercolour kit.
* Packed lunch.

All other materials and paper included.
There will be a box of spare scraps available for your use.
Tea, coffee and biscuits provided.
Sketchbooks will be available to purchase from Arthouse, should you wish.

Venue: Off the Rails Arthouse, Ladybank, KY15 7JT.

Information published by Leisure and Culture Dundee.
Promoted By: Liz Dulley Studio
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