High Street, Dundee - Ref: WC0261
Strictly speaking, this photograph shows Whitehall Street leading southwards to the right hand Nethergate leading eastwards into High Street; it is just possible to make out the top of the Town House spire at the extreme left.
J. B. Hurrie, fancy draper and milliner, occupied Whitehall House until some time in 1904, so the photograph must date from that year.
At No. 4 Whitehall is one of Dundee's best-known local bakers, Nicoll and Smibert. Above their shop lived the Stoole brothers, two of Dundee's leading musicians of the time; Alexander was organist at St Mary's Episcopal Church, Broughty Ferry.
Alexander Wilson who took this photograph, was a supervisor in a Dundee jute mill for over 20 years. He bequeathed much of his collection and £50, to cover the costs involved, to the Free Library Committee of Dundee in 1923.