High Street, Dundee - Ref: WC0277
This photograph shows the south side of High Street, with the junctions with Crichton Street (at the right), and The Vault (to the east of the Town House)
The two seemingly adjacent shops belonging to the wine merchant James Cowie and the nurserymen Laird and Sinclair are given as Nos. 18 and 21 respectively in the Dundee Directory.
The missing number (19) was occupied by a grain merchant (John Grant), an auctioneer (Dodds and Baithie), a dressmaker (Jane F Gordon), W G Stevenson (the bookbinder) and two jewellers (Alexander Macpherson and J D Clark & Co).
Alexander Wilson who took this photograph, was a supervisor in a Dundee jute mill for over 20 years. He bequeathed much of his collection and £50, to cover the costs involved, to the Free Library Committee of Dundee in 1923.