High Street, Dundee - Ref: WC0295
This photograph concentrates on the southern section of Dundee High Street west of the Town House, with the Vault leading southwards at the left hand side of A W R Birrell's wines and spirits store..
The visible names most closely match the Dundee Directory for 1886-87, which does not list W T Kennedy (though that may simply be an advertising poster) and does list Patrick S Walker, the dentist, though his sign does not appear.
George Osler, the ironmonger at No. 20, lived at 3 St Phillan's Place in East Newport. No. 23 also housed the Whitehall Club, A & G Taylor, the photographers, and David Beath, currier (a worker of leather).
Alexander Wilson who took this photograph, was a supervisor in a Dundee jute mill for over 20 years. He bequeathed much of his collection and £50, to cover the costs involved, to the Free Library Committee of Dundee in 1923.