Greenmarket, Dundee

Greenmarket, Dundee - Ref: WC1074

This photograph from the Alexander Wilson Collection shows Greenmarket in Dundee, with Crichton Street running northwards to the High Street at the left and Castle Lane leading eastwards in the corner towards the Vault.

Dundee Temperance Society and The Gospel Temperance Union, whose agent was John Carter, were based at No. 39 High Street. No. 16 Crichton Street was George B. Mills, a tailor. No. 26 was James F. Croal, the grocer, also listed at No. 2 Greenmarket.

The Criterion Restaurant, listed at No. 6 Greenmarket, was owned by one of three wines & spirits merchants in that area, Forbes Watson, the others being Mrs D. Lowden at No. 8. And George Willsher at No. 12. The Temperance Hotel at No. 16 was Mrs Thoms'.

Alexander Wilson who took this photograph, was a supervisor in a Dundee jute mill for over 20 years. He bequeathed much of his collection and £50, to cover the costs involved, to the Free Library Committee of Dundee in 1923.

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