Cab stance at City Churches - Ref: WC1009
The cab stance (the precursor of what know as a taxi rank) in front of the City Churches in Nethergate was the central point for Dundee's network, the licencing of which was controlled by the Police Commission.
Their insistence that each cab be numbered (in new bye laws published in 1873) led to a strike, which saw cab's vanish from the city's streets for several days, and the appearance of several news articles ridiculing the action.
Alexander Wilson's photograph is taken from the north end of Union Street looking north west. The Old Steeple stands on South Lindsay Street, and the churches were the Steeple, the South and the East.
Alexander Wilson who took this photograph, was a supervisor in a Dundee jute mill for over 20 years. He bequeathed much of his collection and £50, to cover the costs involved, to the Free Library Committee of Dundee in 1923.