Leisureactive supports young people heading for Polar adventure

Leisureactive supports young people heading for Polar adventure

Leisure & Culture Dundee's fitness service, Leisureactive, has recently partnered with local secondary school pupils from Braeview Academy to support with their training as they prepare to take part in a ten day sledding expedition to East Greenland in March 2024 with The Polar Academy.

They have provided them with free memberships to access Leisureactive gyms, pools and teen fitness classes as they prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.

The Polar Academy is a charity focusing its support on 'invisible' kids who may struggle with their confidence or ability to fit in due to bullying, anxiety, depression or having suffered a bereavement.

Judy Dobbie, Director of Leisure & Culture Dundee, said


"We are proud to be supporting this group from a local secondary school as they take on this exciting challenge. We're also pleased to have such great facilities and opportunities on offer for teenagers through our Leisureactive fitness service."


Craig Mathieson, Founder and Director of The Polar Academy, said

"The Polar Academy is a children's charity working with Scottish teenagers. Our young people may feel some degree of self doubt and feel they need support with growing their confidence and tenacity. At the Polar Academy, we train our kids through strength, stamina and fitness sessions to be fully prepared to undertake a ten-day winter sledge hauling expedition in East Greenland.

"This year, we have partnered with Braeview Academy in Dundee and their teenagers are well underway into their training regime. Fitness is key to successfully accomplishing the trip ahead. We are delighted and very thankful to Leisure & Culture Dundee for gifting free gym membership to all of our young participants to assist them along on their fitness journey."

Here's what a participant's parent had to say about their recent inductions and partnership with Leisureactive


"Thanks to Leisureactive for supporting our kids with a free membership for six months to assist them with their training for next year's Polar expedition. They need to work on their cardio fitness and core strength. It also allows the team to work out together and gel as a team. Due to current climate, there was no guarantee all children would have had the opportunity to attend the gym and with their support this has been made possible."


One participant talking about the programme commented


"I am really enjoying going to the gym with my team mates. I love using free weights and working on core strength and legs."


Another added


"This is the first time I have joined and used a gym and I'm really enjoying it. I love using the treadmill. It's great being able to go with my team mates."


Find out more about The Polar Academy, their mission and find out how you can support them visit The Polar Academy: Inspiration through exploration

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