Currently the Library Service has over 30 topic reminiscence packs available to loan to care homes, sheltered housing complexes, 3rd Sector groups and any other library borrowers. The packs contain a mixture of resources which can include books, photographs, music CDs, artefacts to handle and smell packs. All the packs are designed to stimulate conversation between support workers who are working with small groups or individuals working on a 1-2-1 basis with a family member.
Topics include growing up in 1940s, 1950s or 1960s, Old Dundee, Scotland, holidays, food, shopping, fashion, needlecraft, transport, sport, nature, ghost & true crime stories. Additional packs and topics are being develop all the time, often in response to specific requests from reminiscence groups.
Packs are delivered by our At Home Library Service staff. Please call 01382 431528 for further details of how to access the reminiscence packs.