Healthy Active Minds

Healthy Active Minds

The Healthy Active Minds programme is an exercise referral programme designed to create accessible and affordable opportunities for people living with mild to moderate mental health conditions.

More specifically, for people; with mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress and low mood who are also physically inactive. The programme is located throughout all the areas of Dundee and aims to help everyone with mental health issues in Dundee achieve a better quality of life as exercise decreases the stress hormones such as cortisol and increases endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural feel good chemicals, and when they are released through exercise, your mood is boosted naturally. As well endorphins, exercise also releases adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine. These chemicals work together to make you feel good.


Structure of programme

The programme is a 12 week intervention that is supported by our healthy active minds instructors. For the 12 weeks, participants have access to specific scheduled gym sessions each week where there is a healthy active minds instructor to offer advice and to help them with their tailored programmes. They can also access any of our pools and they also have access to various timetabled yoga sessions as well as our Run Talk Run session and numerous health walks that are organised by the Steps to Health team.



The programme is free for 12 weeks. After completing the 12weeks, participants have a conversation with the fitness instructor to progress them to phase 2, which costs £1 per session for 3 months, then phase 3 @ £15 per month for 6 months. We also offer them advice on what community projects are run in their own areas to minimise their sedentary time long term and maintain that social inclusion.


What next

Once you have been referred into the programme, a member of our team will contact you to arrange a consultation appointment with one of our Healthy Active Minds instructors. During this consultation, the instructor will advise on what type of activity will be most suitable for you and will create a 12 week personalised exercise programme for you.

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