Dundee: A Creative City 2024-2034 is the culture strategy for Dundee. Developed with the culture sector through the Cultural Development Group and its sub groups, and through open workshops, focus groups and action planning sessions over Spring and Summer 2024.
To see Dundee: a Creative City 2024-2034 click here.
To see the previous Culture Strategy 2015-2025 click here.
The Dundee Cultural Development Group and its sub groups meet each quarter. Please see diagram below for details. Membership of the subgroups is open to organisations and individuals working in those areas who are interested in supporting the wider community. You can contact the chair of each group, or alternatively claire.dow01@leisureandculturedundee.com and she will forward your enquiry.
Other networks exist across the city including Creative Dundee’s Amps network for anyone who makes or cultivates creativity in Dundee - creativedundee.com/amps-network/
Cultural Development Strategic Group
Chair: Claire Dow, Culture Strategy Lead Officer, Leisure and Culture Dundee
Four meetings per year
- To promote joint working between agencies whose remits have a focus and interest in the cultural development of Dundee
- To support the Dundee Partnership in delivering the City Plan by focusing on strategic priorities where culture is relevant
- To oversee the implementation of the culture strategy for the city
- To promote the importance of community and cultural engagement at a strategic level across the Dundee Partnership in relation to wellbeing, quality of life, health, the vibrancy and sustainability of the city of Dundee.
Dundee Performing Arts Partnership
Meets 4 times per year
Remit: To network and provide mechanism for mutual support through the exchange of information.
To look for areas for mutual support through shared resources, shared best practice and collaboration.
To report back to the Cultural Development Group, celebrating success and updating on current issues affecting the group members.
To feedback data and statistics where requested to support cultural reporting in the city.
To promote participation in, and an audience for live performance across dance, theatre, spoken word and comedy.
Festival and Events Coordinating Group
Meets 4 times per year
Remit: To network and provide mechanism for mutual support through the exchange of information.
To look for areas for mutual support through shared resources, shared best practice and collaboration.
To report back to the Cultural Development Group, celebrating success and updating on current issues affecting the group members.
To feedback data and statistics where requested to support cultural reporting in the city.
To support delivery of the Events Strategy
Cultural Agencies Network
Meets 4 times per year
Remit: To network and provide mechanism for mutual support through the exchange of information.
To look for areas for mutual support through shared resources, shared best practice and collaboration.
To report back to the Cultural Development Group, celebrating success and updating on current issues affecting the group members.
To feedback data and statistics where requested to support cultural reporting in the city.
To support development and delivery of the Culture Strategy
Heritage Partnership
Meets 4 times per year
Remit: To network and provide mechanism for mutual support through the exchange of information.
To look for areas for mutual support through shared resources, shared best practice and collaboration.
To report back to the Cultural Development Group, celebrating success and updating on current issues affecting the group members.
To feedback data and statistics where requested to support cultural reporting in the city.
Engagement Partnership:
Meets 4 times per year
Remit: To network and provide mechanism for mutual support through the exchange of information.
To look for areas for mutual support through shared resources, shared best practice and collaboration.
To report back to the Cultural Development Group, celebrating success and updating on current issues affecting the group members.
To feedback data and statistics where requested to support cultural reporting in the city.