Chance brings The McManus and Illustrator together for Oor Wullie Bucket Trail

Chance brings The McManus and Illustrator together for Oor Wullie Bucket Trail

Through a fortunate stroke of serendipity, a Dundee illustrator has been matched with her other place of work as part of Oor Wullie’s Big Bucket Trail. The McManus: Dundee’s Art Gallery & Museum is by chance where Sanna Dyker is employed as a Visitor Assistant. The cultural attraction is also where she has now become the artist painting the Oor Wullie statue sponsored by the museum.

Billy Gartley, Head of Cultural Services at Leisure & Culture Dundee, couldn’t believe the good fortune with The McManus being matched with one of their own members of staff and is delighted by the coincidence.

“It’s fantastic that we have been put together with one of our Visitor Assitants. Sanna has worked here for a number of years and we all know what a talented illustrator she is. We were really pleased when we heard the news but it really is a perfect fit. Sanna has an in depth working knowledge of the building as well as our collections and exhibitons and so is ideally placed to work with us in her artistic capacity. We can’t wait to see her finished design and of course it is also a pleasure to be supporting such a good cause as part of Oor Wullie’s Big Bucket Trail.”

Sarah Johnston, fundraising manager for Th ARCHIE Foundation Tayside said

“We are delighted to have Leisure & Culture Dundee as a sponsor of Oor Wullie’s BIG Bucket Trail. They continue to show so much support to The ARCHIE Foundation and it is greatly appreciated. It’s fitting that their sponsored sculpture is being designed by a staff member at The McManus where Wullie will sit. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished result. We still have opportunities to support and sponsor the trail. I’d be delighted to talk through all available options to interested parties. Email for more information.”

Sanna Dyker, Illustrator said

“I feel very grateful to have been given the opportunity to paint an Oor Wullie for the Big Bucket Trail to raise money for the incredible Archie Foundation Tayside. To have been teamed up with Leisure and Culture Dundee, and specifically The McManus has been fantastic. It has given me the opportunity to combine my place of work and my art, creating a design that will hopefully bring people into the building to view the fantastic collections and exhibitions that I am lucky enough to see everyday, which have in turn inspired my Oor Wullie theme."

Sanna, who studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design,  grew up visiting castles, museums and ruins and was brought up on both historical facts and myths and legends. Her illustration work is heavily influenced by these interests as well as her love of drawing in detail. Her clients include Creative Dundee, Leisure & Culture Dundee, Edinburgh Festivals Magazine and Popshot Magazine.

The finished Oor Wullie is expected to be sited in The McManus as part of Oor Wullie’s BIG Bucket Trail which runs for 11 weeks this summer. Those interested in seeing Sanna’s Oor Wullie in progress can visit Dundee’s Central Library between 9am and 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday next week and 10am to 5pm on Wednesday.

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