With the coronavirus lockdown ongoing, the Leisureactive team at Leisure & Culture Dundee want to make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of citizens. They are taking action after hearing a government advisor highlighting the importance of keeping physically fit during these unprecedented times. In normal circumstances, instructors can be found delivering fitness classes at gyms across the city including Olympia, Lochee Swim & Sports Centre, DISC and Douglas Sports Centre. However from today they will now broadcast two live online exercise sessions every weekday via their social media channels in an ambitious bid to get the whole city moving.
Everyone can take part in the Lockdown Live streams on the Leisureactive Facebook page with a range of fitness routines on offer including pilates, aerobics, tabata and spin. We have all witnessed Joe Wicks, The Body Coach becoming incredibly popular nationally with his physical activity sessions and the team sense that Dundonians and LeisureActive members will now be keen to engage with some friendly local instructors.
Ewan Gray, Leisureactive’s Fitness Manager explains
“We feel that while Joe Wicks is spearing a national push with his PE for kids, it is really important that the people of Dundee have familiar faces delivering their normal exercise classes. The classes being delivered all feature on our normal timetable. We also feel that it is important for our instructors to be able to support our members in a personal way. The classes are for absolutely everyone! We are providing a really broad range of classes covering, cardio, strength, holistic and even indoor cycling.”
“Exercise has always been a great way to stay physically and mentally healthy and it is more important now than ever. Chris Witty, the Chief Medical Officer, recently said that being physically active was very important to long term health and there is no situation, there is no age and no condition where exercise is not a good thing and we can’t agree more with that.”
"In this period, when people are in lockdown that might mean exercising indoors. What better way to do this than with a familiar face you are used to seeing every week. The live element of the class will also ensure participants still feel the social connection and togetherness of a normal exercise class.”
“We’ve launched the service first and foremost for our loyal Leisureactive members who fill our studios every week, however everyone far and wide is welcome. We have some of the best Instructors around so I am sure everyone will love the classes they are providing.”
All classes will also be uploaded to the Leisureactive YouTube, Leisureactive Facebook and the Leisureactive & Golf Dundee App so that everyone can take part in their favourite classes again and again.
As well as live classes, there is also a selection of easy to follow home workouts which can be found on our Leisure and Culture Resource Centre alongside some other great content for the whole family at www.leisureandculturedundee.com