Home Leisure & Sport Gymnastics & Trampolining Gymnastics Consent Form (Under 18yrs) A separate form is required per individual child. Compulsory data is indicated by * PARTICIPANT DETAILS Child Forename * Child Surname * Date of Birth * Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Day MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Month Year200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026 Year School year * - Select -P1P2P3P4P5P6P7S1S2S3S4S5S6 Class Attending * Mon P1-4 4pm McTaggart Mon P4-7 5pm McTaggart Tues P1-4 4.30pm Menzieshill Tues P4-7 5.30pm Menzieshill Wed P1-4 4pm McTaggart Wed P4-7 5pm McTaggart Thurs P1-4 4pm McTaggart Fri P1-4 3.45pm Douglas SC Fri P4-7 4.45pm Douglas SC PARENT/GUARDIAN DETAILS Parent Forename * Parent Surname * Email Address Telephone No. * CHILD COLLECTION A member of staff will escort participants to the pickup area and ensure they have been collected safely from their parent/guardian. Participants will be taken to front door of centre. Collection will be the carpark of the centre which will be manned by coaching staff and will be the designated area for collection after each session. EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS (second person) Name * Telephone No. * Relationship to Child * MEDICAL INFORMATION LACD will administer basic emergency first aid in accordance with the relevant medical authorities. LACD will not administer any medicines your child may require, except the emergency use of an epi-pen following an appropriate briefing with the lead coach. If your child requires to carry an epi-pen you MUST discuss this with the coach at the start of the first session your child attends. I have read and understood the above statement and consent to LACD administering basic first aid. * Yes No Please detail any medical conditions, including allergies which your child has. Please detail any medication that your child may require to carry and/or self administer. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Please detail any additional support required. Please detail if your child will require support from a parent/guardian/carer during the class. PHOTO/FILMING CONSENT LACD manage a strict policy on the taking and using of video and photographic images. Participants and members of the public are not permitted to take photographs or videos at LACD activities. LACD obtain consent to enable officers and members of the press to take video or photographic images for official use only. These images may be used on the LACD website, for promotional material or social media for promotional purposes only. I (the parent/guardian) give permission for my child to be in any photographs or videos for the above purposes only. YES NO CODE OF CONDUCT LACD asks participants and their carers to adhere to its Codes of Conduct to ensure the health, safety and enjoyment of all participants. Failure to do so could result in the participant being excluded from the class/activity. Examples included in the Code of conduct are: Long hair must be tied back and appropriate clothing must be worn eg: no jeans. Be safe at all times. Follow the instructions and listen to the activity leader at all times. Respect each other- no hitting/pushing/put downs or swearing. Take care of all property and equipment being used. Do not leave sessions without the permission of those in charge. The full code of conduct can be viewed on our website at https://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/forms/AdobeDocs/codes_of_conduct.pdf I confirm that I have read and acknowledge the code of conduct. * DATA PROTECTION The personal information you have provided will be held by LACD and only used for the following purposes: To contact you about your chosen course or activity. To provide relevant medical information to staff or emergency services in the event of an accident/ incident. For the prevention and detection of crime. If you have any questions about our Data Protection Policy or the information we hold about you, please contact us on 01382 307485 or email: dataprotection@leisureandculturedundee.com LACD would like to send you information electronically on relevant Gymnastics & Trampolining activities in the future. Please indicate if you wish to receive activity information on the Gymnastics & Trampolining Programme by ticking the box below. Please indicate if you wish to receive activity information the Gymnastics & Trampolining Programme by ticking the box below. I wish to receive information on the Gymnastics & Trampolining Programme in the future * Yes No You can opt out of these emails at any time by contacting gymnastics@leisureandculturedundee.com. Leave this field blank Submit